EssickAir Website
The parent company of all the Essick brands is EssickAIr. We built a website that defined a new style for print and web, using angles of blue and grey to help divide sections and create some dynamic styling for evaporative coolers. This was a huge departure from before, both in terms of style and functionality. The old site was really just a landing page that lead to the other brands. In this new version we are treating Essick more as its own brand, and less like a parent company. We still reference the other brands, but allowing Essick to stand on its own is great for SEO and in the long haul, sales. It's more clear for the customer, and easier for us to make updates to going forward. 
EssickAir Print and More
Over the past 4 years, I've been over seeing the design, layout and look of EssickAir. Constantly evolving it into a cleaner style that is easier for the customer to respond to. We've made the data easier to read, along with a consistent style and tone to all the marketing materials. This look has extended from print, into social media as well.
EssickAir CSR Site
We built an order portal for the CSR team. This portal is the backbone of the entire system. All of the pricing is updated from here and we built in in a jQuery dataTable so it's wicked fast once it loads. We're using a PHP caching system to keep it loading fast as the products continue to build up more and more.
Creative Direction: Chad Long & Kelly Vaden
Art Direction: Jason Rogers
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