As the first of 5+ websites I completed, AIRCARE is the most consumer focused. Built on bootstrap 5, ProcessWire, Jquery and a lot of customers integrations, the design is image heavy. We use lifestyles to really showcase the products, while using modern CSS technologies to make the overlaying boxes blur out the image behind them, as a subtle nod to it being fogged up with humidity. The site has garnered more traffic and more sales than the last one did, and it is easier to update the content and pricing on than it was previously. It also ties into all of the other sites, specifically the Customer Service ordering site. I also built a custom SEO builder into the backend of the site and can create landing pages on the fly for Google SEM campaigns.
AIRCARE Print and Packaging
Along with the webwork, I've been overseeing the design of new catalogs, sell sheets, packaging and other print work for the last 4 years. My favorite is the brown box packaging we did for the Lanai. It was an award winner, but it was also a cool idea. Make the shipping brown boxes look as good as our colorful retail boxes for significantly less money.
Along with the other AIRCARE projects, I've been overseeing the social media design and ideas for the last 3+ years. We even recently had a great success with a Black Friday campaign that saw us go from 7-9 sales the last two years to more than 280 through Black Friday and Cyber Monday of 2023.
Creative Direction: Chad Long & Kelly Vaden
Art Direction, Design & Development: Jason Rogers
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